Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bitchary cancelled an interview with CNN last night... now she's all wanting to be interviewed now... you know where they're interviewing her from?? Florida... FUCKING FLORIDA... before she couldn't do an interview b/c the Kennedy's snubbing her would come up... now she's all like "Come look at me jackoff the sunshine state."

You know what? I think I just heard the biggest fucking lie I've ever heard in my fucking life... do you know who said it??? Big suprise Hillary fucking Clinton... you know what that goddamn lie was... she said, "I want to be held accountable"--BULLSHIT; if one thing that the Clintons aren't fucking capable of (besides honesty) it's being held afuckingccountable... jesus tits, she runs away from accountability like it's got the motherfucking plague... like the time they asked her about illegal alien driver's licenses; she woudln't answer the motherfucking question then she wouldn't even admit that she wouldn't fucking answer the question...

I'm pissed off by the way..
I think I've come to a conclusion: I'm pretty sure that she pisses me off more than Rudy or Romney now, and that's saying a lot

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