Wednesday, December 17, 2008

You say you want a rEVOLution...

Here is why Ron Paul lost:

1) His supporters were so motivated they decided that instead of having a real rally, they'd have one online on the video game World of Warcraft.

2) Dragonforce is a shitty band. Anyone who's supporters like Dragonforce deserves to lose. I mean who the fuck sings about dragons and shit? It's ridiculous, it's not the fucking 80's anymore.

Also, look for the disclaimer at the end of the video- they make sure you know that the Ron Paul campaign didn't organize that rally. A lot of campaigns have get out the vote drives. Apparently, many of Ron Paul's supporters just play a fucking fantasy-world videogame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After watching that video, I feel someone owes me 10 minutes of wasted time back.