Saturday, August 30, 2008

Joe Klein is my new idol!

And Barney fucking Rubble is more qualified than Sarah Palin.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Several veteran organizations have given McCain a lower rating on his voting than Obama.

Douche baggery & bitch hoe-dom

Jesus motherfuckingchrist, i have never seen so much assholeishness in one room in my life. One of these GOP tools on larry king was asked if he thought race played an issue in the election... he basically said "yadda yadda, I'm a motherfucking douchebag & you probably want to kill me because i'm such a rampant asshole. Also, I remind you of a lawyer." But then he ended it with, "And remember, I've got a niece from Yuganda, so I'm not a racist."

Well, fucking naturally. That makes perfect sense. How the fuck do we know he doesn't kick the fucking shit out of his niece? Fuck him, he's a fucking idiot just like all the other fucknuts they are talking to.

Monday, August 25, 2008

McCain is the new Giuliani- just like Giuliani cheapened 9/11 by using it to talk about every single fucking issue that came up. McCain is now doing that with his time as a prisoner of war. On Jay Leno, they asked him about his houses & he fucking talks about being a POW. He's cheapening his service by whoring it off to win, and several vets have spoken out saying that he's cheapening everyone's service by doing this. It's rifuckingdiculous. He throws it into to almost every answer he gives, even though it really typically has nothing to do with the question at hand.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I knew this day would come.

I'm pretty sure she did too, but just didn't care because winning the nomination was more important than the party winning the White House. Also Giuliani tried to attack Obama- saying that although McCain owns more homes than he can remember (7 at the least), Obama owns one $1 million home, and it doesn't matter how many homes you own- I thought this was an absurd argument, and a ridiculous counterpoint. Something else interesting, McCain spends $270,000 yearly just to pay people to keep up all of his homes- over a quarter million just for cleaning & upkeep.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Tonight on Larry King, a republican said Obama will lose in iraq, and mccain will win & leave w/ honor. Larry asked him to explain what winning was in iraq. He dodged the question. Larry pursued it. He ended up saying that larry was "trying to be cute."

Fucking cute? These motherfuckers constantly talk about winning the war in Iraq like it's a fucking wet T-shirt contest, and we just have to show up with the nicest water-soaked tits and win, like it's a black & white fucking issue. We're going to win in Iraq, but if you ask how they define winning in Iraq then you're being fucking cute. Fuck them. I'd rather be "cute" than be "a motherfucking massive anal dildo" like these dickholes.
I miss the old Bill Clinton. Who wasn't an asshole, and who was a badass motherfucker

This is always a good watch... the ultimate "go fuck yourself" without saying "go fuck yourself"

Thursday, August 7, 2008

John McCain has done something good- reminded me of why I hated Hillary Clinton in the first place!

All of the clips mccain uses are pre-2006 too- that's worth noting.

The Dem response to that ad is worth watching.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

You've got to fucking see this- it's Paris Hilton's response to John McCain's attack on Obama... it's really fucking funny, and suprisingly clever to, with a healthy amount of self-mockery.

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

And what's really fucking funny is "her energy policy" really makes more sense than all of the bullshit partisan bickering that's been going on

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008

I remember a day when mccain use to come out w/ ads appealing to people's good side, like this one, which now seems like a complete farce. Also, watch at the very end of the ad, the star on his logo appears from a merger of 4-stars, which I think is kind of assholish, b/c he retired as a captain (O-6) which is 4 levels below the naval rank of admiral designated by 4 stars (O-10)