Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Douche baggery & bitch hoe-dom

Jesus motherfuckingchrist, i have never seen so much assholeishness in one room in my life. One of these GOP tools on larry king was asked if he thought race played an issue in the election... he basically said "yadda yadda, I'm a motherfucking douchebag & you probably want to kill me because i'm such a rampant asshole. Also, I remind you of a lawyer." But then he ended it with, "And remember, I've got a niece from Yuganda, so I'm not a racist."

Well, fucking naturally. That makes perfect sense. How the fuck do we know he doesn't kick the fucking shit out of his niece? Fuck him, he's a fucking idiot just like all the other fucknuts they are talking to.

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