said that the Obama campaign is using the failing economy for political gain. I disagree completely, and think that Steve Schmidt is quite the asshole. He's fucking Karl Rove's croney, and follows so gallantly in Sir Karl's footsteps, which gives him no fucking room to talk about anyone else using something for political gain.
So I thought I would make a (probably incomplete) list of things that McCain's camp has used for political gain:
1) The wounded troops- this ad is especially disgraceful and especiallly bullshit, even though it has some serious competition from McCain this campaign season
2) Moses
3) The collective fear of not wanting a pedophile preying on America's children
4) Winston fucking Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt, the fact that he was a POW, and space & time travel in the same ad
5) And big fucking suprise, people's fear of higher taxes (even though Obama will help out working families far more than McCain)
6) Taxes again
7) Hillary Clinton's primary campaign
8) If Obama's used the economy for political gain, then this sure as shit is, with a dash of taxes again. The same for this one.
9) And probably not the worst of all of his, but still incredibly shameless & low, playing on people's fear.
10) Ronald Reagan
That's right Steve Schmidt, fuck you. I just kicked your ass. And you deserved it because you're an asshole. What's that? Only 10 you say? Well, Steve, that's all I've got time for, and if I were to try to prove you wrong on every bullshit campaign statement made, it wouldn't be a fulltime job- I'd be working on it 168 hours per week. But mark my words Steve, try it again and I'll come back with 10 more. That's right, motherfucker!
You didnt mention how Obama would not go see the troops in Iraq because he could not bring his press. If you ask me, that seems like he is a pretty big dusch, only looking out for himself. VOTE McCAIN!!!!!
In response to McCain's constant scare tactics against Obama's tax proposals:
This is a chart from the Washington Post that breaks down the McCain and Obama tax proposals. No surprise McCain's benfits those making more than $160,000 and Obama's is better for those 60% of Americans making less than $66,000. The group in the 60-160k pretty much breaks even with either.
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