"You didnt mention how Obama would not go see the troops in Iraq because he could not bring his press. If you ask me, that seems like he is a pretty big dusch, only looking out for himself. VOTE McCAIN!!!!!"
First of all, it's "douche." "Dusch" isn't a word, yet, so you have inspired me to coin it as a word and give it definition. From henceforth, "dusch" shall be pronounced "duh-sh" and shall be defined as "a fucking awesome person." So I'm glad you agree that Obama is a dusch. Here's a pictorial example differentiating the original word from it's fairly similar-looking antonym, the newly coined word-
And now a great example of a dusch:
Coincidentally, this dusch is also a serious badass.
And now on to your former assertion that "Obama would not go see the troops in Iraq because he could not bring his press;" you are completely and totally fucking wrong on that. As a matter of fact, after the word "Obama," you don't say a damn thing in the sentence that is actually true. I'll Tarantino this one: start it with the end- showing what your sentence should have said to be factually correct, and then break it down for you. Here would be the correct sentence (corrections have been made in all caps, hence why this sentence is damn near all caps)- "Obama COULD not go visit the injured troops in GERMANY because THE PENTAGON WOULD NOT LET HIM, because HE ONLY HAD CAMPAIGN STAFF AND NO OTHER SENATORS OR SENATE STAFF. HE INTENDED TO TAKE THE TRIP TO SEE THE INJURED TROOPS WITHOUT THE MEDIA, JUST AS HE HAD DONE IN IRAQ."
Now for the foggy mountain breakdown:
First of all, the injured troops in question were in Germany not fucking Iraq.
Second of all, Obama could have done what Sarah Palin did when she said she had visited Iraq, and claim he did something that he didn't do at all.
The Pentagon told Obama not to go since his fellow Senators and his Senate Staff were not with him; he never intended to take press with him. Senator McCain had said if the Pentagon told him this there would be a "seismic event." Obama felt that oing with only his campaign staff would drag the injured troops into an increasingly negative campaign; he didn't want it to be believed thathe was using the injured troops for political gain. Instead, McCain used them.
Furthermore, the McCain campaign issued an attack ad (can be seen here- again, I refuse to post this piece of shit on my blog), stating that Obama had time to go to the gym but not visit troops. In the ad, when the announcer was talking about this, it showed Obama playing basketball, leading you to believe he played b-ball instead of visiting troops. Well guess what? The basketball game it showed him playing was WITH THE FUCKING TROOPS IN KUWAIT!
Here's a news report about the debacle to back me up & prove that unlike McCain, I'm not completely full of shit:
Oh, and one last thing. If your accusation of Obama not visiting the troops because of not being able to bring press were true(again, the troops in question were in fucking Germany, and the latter part was a McCain lie debunked months ago), then how do you explain the fact that Obama has received far more donations from troops than McCain? It's worth notin that this report (video below) was before McCain's spending limit kicked in, so using that as a reason to explain is a complete logical fallacy and completely untrue.
To back up the news report, I did a little personal research. Eeryone that donates to a political campaign must list their employer, and the FEC tracks all of this. I did a search on FEC's website for people who donated to campaigns listing military, Air Force, Army, Navy, or US Marine Corps as their employer. The results? Obama received susbtantially more than McCain did. Obama even received more donations from the Navy than McCain did, and McCain received no donations from anyone listing the Air Force as their employer. Hell, even fucking Ron Paul got more donations from service people than McCain did. I rest my case.
Boo yah.
Now, Dr. Joe, it's obvious you know nothing about politics.
Absolutely no one would think that CNN was a decent source for proof of anything.
Stop being such a ducsh.
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