Monday, September 29, 2008


Sometimes, I feel sorry for Sarah Palin. I mean, she was governor of one of the smallest states population-wise in the country, just up there hunting moose and shooting wolves out of helicopters, and then John McCain throws her onto the national scene where she has now clue what she's talking about. Then I realize I have the mute button on, and once the volume's back, I realize she annoys the shit out of me.

As if anyone needed anymore evidence, this video is further proof that Sarah Palin is completely and totally full of bullshit. She was asked about the bailout, so naturally she talks about jobs and healthcare, and doesn't mention a fucking word about the bailout.

1 comment:

Josh said...

fareed zakaria on CNN said, after he pointed out how effing small Wasilla is, said that Alaska is a state that gets 80% of its money from Oil revenues. Thus, he continued, being Gov of Alaska is better practice for President of Saudi Arabia than the US.