Monday, September 8, 2008

Political Tetris

This is a little late, but I've been busy. Prior to the Democratic Convention, the GOP and their marionette pundit puppets made a huge deal out of the fact that during his convention speech, Obama would have Greek columns behind him. Apparently somehow, Greek columns signify that one is messianic, self-obsessed, and well, an asshole. So I thought we would analyze other people who have shown their asholishness by being surrounded by Greek columns. I believe they even referred to it as a "Barackopolis."

Lincoln, he was a real asshole. Neverfuckingmind the fact that he steered our country through what was likely the most divisive time in its history. Nevermind the fact that he's oft considered one of the, if not the, greatest president of all time. He's a damn asshole. How do I know? The GOP told me so- because he's surrounded by Greek columns. Damn that Lincolnopolis.

The current resident of this Executive Branch-opolis is certainly an asshole.

Although, I think he's certainly an asshole, it is terribly hypocritical for the GOP to slam Obama for using Greek columns when their chosen one clearly gave his '04 acceptance speech amidst a Dubya-opolis.

And last but not least the biggest asshole of them all, being portrayed in this Old as Shit-opolis.


Josh said...

Wow, this is excellent! I am rolling on the floor!!!

brandi said...

This one is a definite highlight for me. If only we could get some of the ignorant people to read your blog.