Friday, January 21, 2011

Michelle Obama, Pedestrian Predator?

When you think of Michelle Obama, you likely think of a stately, elegant First Lady. The Director of the Governors Highway Safety Association would disagree with that. Because apparently, she thinks of her more as the bad guy from a Schwarzenegger movie.

Since Michelle Obama encouraging children to exercise is apparently what is responsible for a recent slight upswing in pedestrian deaths. I'd like to go off on an angry tangent about that, but I don't really have anything to say besides, "What the fuck??"

Oh, and remember, it's not the people who died that are the victims. No, it's Sarah Palin who is the victim.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why Plain Can't Win in 2012

I don't believe Sarah Palin is going to run in 2012- I think she would much rather tease us with the possibility that she might run, because she realizes her stock will fall when she is out of the picture as the GOP's candidate in 2012. I think she really likes the boatloads of cash that she's making, and doesn't want the responsibility that comes with actually being a candidate for public office. Should she run, I think the GOP voters are probably smart enough to know that her unfavorable ratings are too high to win a general election. However, I hope this is not the case- if she does run, I will sure as shit donate to her primary campaign, because should she run for president, and make it to the general election, she will fall flat on her face. And were this to happen, I don't think near as many people would give a shit what she has to say anymore- nobody was lining up to interview Dole after '96. But more importantly, Americans like presidential candidates that give them hope for a better future. Palin has had little to offer besides negativity and proclaiming herself the victim all the time.

Today being the 50th anniversary of JFK's inauguration has made me think that she would do well to listen to his famous advice to "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." Even after the Tucson tragedy, Palin made herself out to be the victim. People had just gotten fucking murdered and SHE was the victim. Jon Stewart sums up the bullshit of this better than I can.

This article about America growing weary of Palin gives me hope that she'll go away soon.

Watching this, quite possibly the best summary of American aspirations that I've heard, shows the stark difference between a successful presidential candidate & Sarah Palin:

Keeping it Classy

In the uncertainty that results from living in a post-9/11 world, it can be comforting to know that some things never change. For example, it's comforting to know that no matter what happens, Rush Limbaugh will keep being fuckin' classy:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sarah Palin Royally Pisses Me Off

I don't really have much to add to that, besides saying I really, really hope she runs in 2012, so I can witness what I've already been waiting 2 years to see, and that's watching her fall flat on her face.

These articles are worth reading:
The first is about why Sarah Palin's against collectively blaming a group for an individual's actions... that is, unless she's doing it herself

The second is a humorous article about her camp trying to say that the bullseyes on her PAC's election map was really surveyor's symbols

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It Only Took One Day

... of GOP rule in the house, and already, one big fuck-up. Really, as a Congressman, how the hell do you miss the swearing-in ceremony? And on top of that, to miss the ceremony so you could be at a fucking fundraiser? I don't even know what to compare this to. I'm pretty sure, however, that the heated rhetoric on the campaign trail of ending the politics as usual has already fallen flat on its face on day 1, since I doubt most citizens would consider fundraising in the Capitol Visitors' Center instead of being sworn in would be an end to "politics as usual." But then again, I'd assume that up until now, pretty much any member elected to Congress actually did show up to the swearing-in ceremony, so maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we're going to end politics as usual by really stepping up the bullshit.

And for all the talk of not wasting money, spending time to read the entire Constitution on the House floor, can not come cheap. Whether or not that figure is accurate can be argued, but it is inarguable that it is a costly endeavor to pay congressmen, staffers, aides, etc. to sit and hear a document read that they should already be familiar with. Fuck, at least assign it as homework & give them a quiz on Monday so you're not wasting the fucking taxpayer dollar. Especially since the new Congress got elected on a platform of reducing the wasting of taxpayer money.

Also, John Boehner's a fucking perpetually tanned jackass (it's not sunny in Ohio year-round, motherfucker), that cries so much on public television it's disturbing. I mean, watching him speak can be like watching a break-up scene in a chick flick. I suspect I'm not the only one that pictures him curled up on a couch with a box of Kleenex and a pint of ice cream after he steps down from the podium.