Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Catfish said this today when he was speaking, further convincing me that he is crazy: “Governor Richardson was going to introduce me, but he got pinned down by sniper fire at the airport.”

I don't even get what he's trying to say w/ this... do you? I mean, snipers never shot at Judas, and to me it seems to be making fun of the candidate he supports as much as anyone else.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hillary said that her statement on Bosnia was a mistake. But then she said that that shouldn't be the focus, that the focus should be about her & Obama debating about national security creds. THIS was her debate about national security cred and she fucking lied about it. Oh AND she didn't have security clearance.

She also claimed this was the first time she's misspoken in 12 years. 12 fucking years!! Hahaha. How can people still take her seriously?
And because I'm especially pissed about this, here's the washington post story, w/ everyone verifying that she's full of shit.

Here's a better video:

How was I unaware that in Bill's impeachment testimony he said, "It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is." ?? That's rifuckingdiculous.
Today, with respect to Hillary, score 1 point for truth... And 3 for bullshit.
She kind of admitted that she was full of shit about the Bosnian escapade. She now says that she meant to say "They had to land a certain way because of the POSSIBILITY of sniper fire." She went on to try to say that this is a minor blip, and not a big deal. How is it that her lying about the central point (this place was too dangerous for the Prez to go so she went) about her central campaign theme (I have a lot of foreign policy experience) is only a minor blip? It's way, WAY the fuck more relevant than Obama's former preacher's statements. She also claims she ran from the plane w/ her head down. THere's video evidence to the contrary, posted by the all-knowing Drugnazi.

Here's her schedule showing she didn't run w/ her head down.
I made this up in response to Kamilah & I talking about the Dems fucking themselves over in the general again. I thought you might enjoy it too. I made it up as I went, but it may turn out to be eerily prophetic....

Here's my story about the Democrats shooting themselves in the foot:

Here's what will happen. At the Republican convention, McCain will not announce his VP candidate, but it'll be a mystery. The campaign signs will read McCain/? '08. Some people will think it's ? from the band ? and the Mysterians, and since 96 Tears was such a kickass 60's song, they'll vote for that ticket.
3 days to 2 weeks before the election, McCain's mysterious veep candidate will reveal themself. They'll walk out on stage in a red & black pantsuit, with the Rolling Stones' Sympathy For the Devil playing in the background, specifically the part where they say "I was 'round when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt and pain. Made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate." During this time the mysterious candidate's face will be in the shadows to keep it a mystery still yet. By the time the song reaches, "Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name," a hellacious cackle like this world has never heard will erupt over the loudspeaker.
A spotlight will then shine on the candidates face, and you will see Hillary Clinton with red beaming eyes (kind of like Sigourney Weaver towards the end of Ghostbusters). During her first speech she will talk about their opponent Barack Obama. In this speech she'll do what she's been dying to do all campaign and has only hinted at: she will say the word "black" referring to barack obama in 5 or 10 minutes way more often than Mitt Romney would say "Ronald Reagan" in interviews. She'll then talk about the rich history of black people in America, highlighting people that scare the shit out of (or at least seem kind of crazy to) a lot of white people- Al Sharpton, Malcom X, the Black Panther Party, race riots. Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King won't be mentioned at all, unless she mentions it right next to more militant African Americans, to make the contrast more stark (this really isn't that terribly far fetched, since her & Bill have pretty much already said that primary votes in states with a large black population don't "really count" and that "Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in '84 and '88").
Having thoroughly convinced the ignorant, undecided white voters that Barack is a terrorist, her and McCain will easily slide into the White House. Since Hillary wants to be Prez at any cost, she will then plot to kill McCain. She'll find a way with some poetic justice- poison his Thanksgiving turkey, kidnap him & drop him in the middle of a warzone to be a POW again, or possibly just kill all the first-born male children in America until McCain cedes the presidency to her.
She'll then start wearing a brown hooded cloak/robe whose hood drapes over her face, and laugh like Emperor Palpatine. This will be the beginning of her fascist, dictatorial regime. Her first act as emperor will be to ban all blue dresses.

But then again, she could just be bullheaded and not know when to give up, or not care that she's hurting her party way more than nominating John Kerry ever did.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Here's what's happened today:
Bill Clinton was all like "Hey, not letting Michigan & Florida re-vote is a deliberate attempt to disenfuckingfranchise voters." Even though HRC agreed to not counting their delegates, along w/ every other candidate.

Hillary agreed to release her tax returns. 3 whole days before the Pennsylvania primary. 3 fucking days!! But she's got nothing to hide. Also, when the obama camp mentioned her getting > $900,000 from lobbyists, she claimed that Obama's gotten millions from lobbyists.

John McCain is now practically tapfuckingdancing to the White House ( unless the rEVOLution stops him, of course) because of what dumbshits her & her campaign are. But you know what, that's better than her winning it. She's like the bile that comes up in the back of your throat when you have the stomach flu.

Oh, and then there was this: Carville Stands by Judas Comments
McCain's now ahead of Obama in national polls. Fuck the Clintons. ON the bright side, Jack Kevorkian is running for Congress in Michigan.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

James Carville looks like a catfish

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I really dislike the Cajun now. Here's why: because he's a jackass.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Hillary sucks at life and here's another reason why.

Thank god for the Revolution.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One has to wonder now how much the Clintons have really done for the Democratic party. I think Hillary is very close to royally fucking over the whole party. I don't think she cares; nothing matters more to the Clintons than a Clinton victory. Not the well-being of their party, not fessing up to their own campaign statements, not dignity, and certainly not the interest of the American people. Hillary, and especially Bill, have all but literally slapped the African American democratic voters in the face, which apart from just being fucking wrong, is downright stupid- African Americans are by far the most faithful democratic voters; all of the Reagan Democrats were white (Reagan Democrackers maybe?). I'm pissed at Hillary. I had more that I'm pissed about, but I got distracted and forgot it.

12% of the voters in the Dem primary yesterday were Republicans; 75% of them voted for her. I'm pissed. 51% of her voters said she attacked the other unfairly; 24% had a very favorable opinion of McCain (compared to 4% Obama voters), 24% of her voters said she doesn't inspire them about the future of our country, and 31% of her voters said she's not honest and trustworthy. It's time to end this; she's bringing down the party. The whole party; I really think Hillary's campaign has hurt the Democrat chances in November, no matter who wins. She's made more people hate her than before (chalk me up as one of them)- which is quite a feat b/c a lot of people hated her. She's given McCain all the ammunition he needs for a campaign against Obama; he won't need new clips/commercials, just replay shit she said. She's split the party apart.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

If memory serves me correctly, and I'm pretty sure it does, the narrative prior to yesterday was that Hillary had to win, and win big in Texas & Ohio to stay in the race. She won by 10% in Ohio. But she was supposed to have to win big in both, and I personally wouldn't consider winning Texas by 3% as "winning big" (and right now, she's only got 12 more delegates than Obama from Ohio). But now, the new media narrative is that the playing field has been leveled, which is odd since, you know, the media's so obviously completely biased towards Obama.

I'm pretty sure her campaign was the one to set those standards for TX & OH. But then again, they have lived up to very little they've said during the rest of the primary, so why would they start now?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Apart from Hillary being Hillary, this is why her campaign has sucked.

Watch this:

And tell me if it reminds you of this: