Wednesday, March 12, 2008


12% of the voters in the Dem primary yesterday were Republicans; 75% of them voted for her. I'm pissed. 51% of her voters said she attacked the other unfairly; 24% had a very favorable opinion of McCain (compared to 4% Obama voters), 24% of her voters said she doesn't inspire them about the future of our country, and 31% of her voters said she's not honest and trustworthy. It's time to end this; she's bringing down the party. The whole party; I really think Hillary's campaign has hurt the Democrat chances in November, no matter who wins. She's made more people hate her than before (chalk me up as one of them)- which is quite a feat b/c a lot of people hated her. She's given McCain all the ammunition he needs for a campaign against Obama; he won't need new clips/commercials, just replay shit she said. She's split the party apart.

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