Saturday, December 15, 2007

Here's what I've found out today:
1) There is an active communist party in the US, who ran a presidential candidate as recently as 1985, although their website doesn't f'ing work

2) There is a wikipedia article on the "Homosexual Agenda"... Today, I named the pervasive paranoia about this agenda "The Pink Scare"

3) There is an active prohibition party in the US whose main objective is to make alcohol illegal (assholes)

4) There is an active political party whose SOLE purpose is to legalize Marijuana... oddly enough, they're not called The Peter Tosh Party, nor do they make any reference to Peter Tosh, whose album "Legalize It" was one of the most well-known testaments to their cause. Actually, they're called Marijuana Party USA and you can buy their memoribilia at

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