Monday, April 14, 2008

John Baer: Decades of working-class neglect - now that's insulting | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/14

This is a great quote from an article that says how ridiculous it is that the bitter comments have become such a big flap:

"So, despite carping from Hillary Clinton and annoying yapping from her surrogates (really, it's like turning on the lights at night in a puppy farm), I take no offense."

Turning on the lights at night in a puppy farm- brilliant!

And someone else, when talking about hillary calling Obama an elitist said this (also fucking brilliant!): "Hillary Clinton calls Barack Obama elitist? Really? Hillary Clinton was a corporate lawyer who sat on the Wal Mart board before becoming First Lady and is now worth over $100 million. Barack Obama is the child of a single mother raised in part by his grandparents who went to school on a scholarship and was a community organizer making $12,000 a year before becoming a law professor, lawyer and state senator. Five years ago he was still paying off student loans. It's a bogus charge."

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