Sunday, October 26, 2008

Proving McCain's an Asshole, Episode III: Return of the Bullshit

In the 2nd presidential debate, where McCain oh so respectfully referred to a United States Senator as "that one," he discussed the need to further investigate the possible ACORN voter registration fraud in the battleground states across America. First, notice how he only gives a shit about the battleground states, and not voter registration fraud everywhere. Here's an ad about Obama's ties to ACORN:

That's a fanfuckingtastic thought, John. However, there are only allegations that ACORN did this and you, Senator, are pissing all over the principle of innocent until proven guilty, which is a core principle of the American justice system. You have implied that Senator Obama has ties to this organization, and therefore has partaken in voter registration fraud. Apparently anyone who has had ties to this organization should be investigated. Well, if they're going to investigate people for ties to ACORN, they should start with you, Senator McCain:

And if I were Obama in the debate, I would have responded to the That One comment with something to the effect of, "You know who was against the Iraq war from the beginning? Me. You know still is for it? Dickcheese," and then point to McCain in case there was any confusion. What an asshole.


Anonymous said...

Joe, you can't say dickcheese in a televised debate. apparently standards have been lowered enough that you can say nu-clee-er, wink and throw in some you becthas. But I think dickcheese is probably still a few elections away.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant nuc-u-ler. I can't even pronounce it wrong to make fun of the dumbass.