Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hillary the Bolshevik, and Rudy the Philosopher

Today, a day which will live in infamy, Hillary Clinton has made a state that is more ethnocentric, arrogant, and quite frankly more bullshit than anything bush has ever said. Hillary was giving a speech in Nevada or South Carolina, and told us (as the lead in) that it's time we start acting like American agains. This was right before she hit us with it. Now we've heard a lot of Republicans be arrogant, ethnocentric assholes and proclaim us as the greatest nation in the world. Hillary just said something to make her more Republican than the Republicans-- way more... today, she said "...We are the greatest nation in the HISTORY of the world."
Josh, seriously, what the fuck? If she gets elected, I will go into a deep depression and try to give myself a lobotomy.

According to Rudy, any Dem that gets elected will raise your taxes 20-30% right away. HOWEVER, he will walk on water and lower your taxes 20-30% if he's elected.

Tell me if you can make sense of this; John Edwards beat Clinton in Iowa, however he got 14 pledged delegates, and she got 15. This does not include superdelegates-- she LOST to him and got 1 delegate more. WHAT THE FUCK?

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