Friday, February 15, 2008

This is absurd- the Democratic party bigwigs are increasingly showing signs that they've completely forgotten that they're supposed to be the party of the people (and I'm sure Hillary had something to do with it).

Also, Hillary's going on the attack again-- for example, when asked why she won't release her tax return info, her spokesman takes the question to mean "tell us whatever the fuck you want about anything, regardless of how true it is," so he responded to the question about her tax returns by talking about Obama & Rezkko (which in my books makes him, by definition, an asshole)... if her attacks bite her in the ass as much as it did the first time (which the republicans & I both stay up at night praying that it will), I think a celebratory kegger is on order... until then, I'll just have an aneurysm from hating her so much

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