Saturday, September 13, 2008


In an article by, they reveal that during McCain's interview on the view (haven't had the patience/enough antacids to watch the whole thing), John McCain said with respect to the proposed townhall debates, "If we had done what I asked Senator Obama to do... I don't think you'd see the tenor of this campaign."

Here's what I got from this- McCain wanted to do townhall debates, Obama didn't agree, so now McCain is throwing a temper tantrum like a fucking 4 year old. This isn't fucking daycare, it's a campaign to be the leader of the free fucking world. If this is how McCain responds to not getting his way, what the hell is he going to do as President? Is he going to say, "If Putin wouldn't of attacked Georgia, I wouldn't have called him a doody-head"? Seriously, this is rifuckingdiculous.

In the same article, a McCain spokesman, Brian Rogers, tried to argue that the McCain camp tried to run a high-ground campaign and sought to keep the candidate in front of the media in the fashion he enjoys. I'll look into this more later, but from personal memory, I don't remember McCain's campaign ever trying the high-ground anytime after Obama received his party's nomination. They certainly use to be substantially more civil than they are now, but saying they tried the high-road is patently bullshit. His point he was trying to make was that they tried to be civil, but no one gave them any attention, so they decide to throw a pouting fit. This is fucking absurd, again, it's like being back in fucking daycare. I know it's unfortunate that no one changed their diapers soon enough, and I know that it's hard not to cry when teacher's saying it's naptime but you want to play on the playground some more, but fuck, grow up a little bit. Son of a bitch, they need to put they're fucking "big boy" (and girl) shorts on. They could at least switch to fucking Huggies pull ups and be a "big kid now." This is fucking pathetic. Will UN negotiations not go the way we want them to, and we'll shit our pants to show them who's boss? This is ridamndiculous.

Rogers also said, “We recognize it’s not going to be 2000 again... but he lost then. We’re running a campaign to win. And we’re not too concerned about what the media filter tries to say about it.” What the fuck does he mean by this? He fucking means that in 2000 they lost, and they weren't full of shit. So if you lose not being full of shit, you must fucking win if you are completely, and totally full of shit. I mean, McCain's campaign would put ambulance chasers to shame in how fucking full of shit they are. You could take all the fucking sewer plants in the country, put them in a big shit-filled clusterfuck, and that would be less full of shit than the McCain campaign. So what does he mean by the second half? He is insinuating that they want to win no matter what. And, by saying they're "not too concerned about what the media filter tries to say about it," what they really mean is that they don't give a shit if they get called out on their bullshit. They're just going to come up with more bullshit, and more bullshit, until the people in the media are so overworked trying to put out the truth, they fucking collapse from exhaustion. Personally, I think it's great to see the media doing their fucking job, and not just talking about whether Obama and Hillary have really made up or all the other bullshit that gets talked about that would be better placed in a fucking soap opera.

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