Monday, September 15, 2008


I just heard a McCain spokesman on Hardball try to say we're better off now than we were 8 years ago. How in the sam hell does she figure that? Gas prices have tripled, we went from having the largest budget surplus in our history the biggest budget deficit in history, the national deficit has gone up by approximately $5 trillion, we're entrenched in a war that the majority of the country is against, and we've lost an immense amount of international good will. So how the fuck are we better off than 8 yrs. ago? Is the fact that the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy has come out in the past 8 yrs. suppose to make up for all that? Or maybe the McCain spokesman is a big fucking Harry Potter fan, and she can ignore all of the fiscal, domestic, and international relations disasters of the Bush Era as long as she has her Harry Potter movies.

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