Sunday, September 21, 2008

Geography = Foreign Relations 101?

Watch this video...

...and try not to have an aneurysm thinking about how dumb it is.

I'll get to how bullshit I think it is that he says she probably knows more about energy than anyone in America in another post (that one'll take a while and I don't have time at the moment).
On to the last half of the video- now even John McfuckinCain is saying that Alaska being close to Russia gives her international experience. What the fuck? Now it was incredibly dumb when anyone says it, but I could understand one of the tools from Fox News saying that, and I never took Cindy for being exceptionally bright, so I could see her believing that. But this guy is running for leader of the free fucking world and he believes that Alaska being close to Russia makes her qualified to be Vice fucking President? What really chaps my ass about the whole deal is that a shitton of people trust him more with foreign policy experience than Obama, and he fucking says stupid shit like this. First of all, the part of Russia Alaska is next to is fucking Siberia- there is jack shit in Siberia. Furthermore, the 2 parts of Alaska she's governed at are damn near as far away from Russia as you can be in Alaska. Wasilla is right by the southern coast in cenral Alaska, and Juneau is on the very southeastern part of Alaska. Alaska's such a massive state that Juneau is damn near closer to fucking Delaware than Russia.

I should drop out of pharmacy school- I never realized until now how qualified I was to be captain of a barge since I live right by the Mississippi fucking River.


brandi said...

Jos, I posted some of this hilariously dumb bullshit and some of these interesting points on my facebook page in an attempt to enlighten somebody. Love you

Josh said...
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Josh said...

20% of our energy?! Fuck!!! It's not true, it's 3.5% of our energy!!! And she doesn't even know anything about her own daughter, how could she know anything at all more than anyone in the country!

She doesn't know shit and neither does he!
