Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The McCain campaign decided to release the info about Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter being pregnant out of wedlock as soon as Hurricane Gustav hit the ground. That seems pretty fucking shady to me- using a fucking hurricane to minimize the political damage of the news. Also, Palin's a huge supporter of abstinence only education. hahaha. How the fuck are we suppose to believe it works in the whole country if it doesn't work in her own household?

Also, a year or two ago, when asked about having the words "One nation under God..." in the Pledge of Allegiance, she said she believes in reciting the pledge in its original form like the founding fathers did. Hafuckinghahahahaha. That would be fine and fucking dandy except that the pledge wasn't written until 18fucking92, and the words "One nation under god" weren't added until 19fucking51 by the Kinghts of Cofuckinglumbus. So she believes in reciting it like he founding fathers. Which I guess is not saying it at all, then waiting around for 100+ yrs. for the motherfucker to be written, then waiting another 60 years for "One nation under god" to be added to it. What a dipshit.

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