Friday, September 5, 2008


In response to an email from Josh:

Josh, I think you'd be more accurate to say the majority of Republicans are "un-informed" rather than "un-educated." Alot of them have fucking fancy-ass private school educations. Just their heads are too far up their own (and Fox News') asses to know shit about what's going on in the world. Here's food for thought about the fair & balanced news coverage- Fox News watchers are a more reliably Republican voting bloc than fucking conservatives. Only 7-9% of ppl. that watch Fox News regularly vote anything besides republican. Fucked up shit. Now on to my bitching.

That's all the race is to a lot of them- a fucking football game. In olden times, in England, rich ass motherfuckers would ride their fucking horses and play fucking polo. Modern day rich-ass white folk have bigger ambitions than that. They want to pummel our world into agreeance with their dim, dismal view of things. But they're not too concerned w/ it, as rich-ass-motherfucking white folks aren't too concerned with a whole lot of things besides staying rich. Thus, it seems like a football game to them. Here's the fucked up thing. In England back in the day, you never saw motherfuckers on polo horses trying to convince the masses that those who don't agree with them are actually the rich-ass motherfuckers because they're "on the ground playing croquet" or some other bullshit. THat didn't happen. Now, in our modern day American football game that is GOP politics, the rich ass white fuckers in charge do exactly that. They're all being rich as shit, wearing $520 shoes and owning more homes than they can fucking remember (Alzheimer's is a real bitch, Mr. McCain), and then they convince the masses that it's actual their opponent that's a rich-ass elite motherfucker because he fucking windsurfs. I've got fucking news for them, there are a shitton of working class people that live near the coast that fucking windsurf as a hobby. It's not like you have to have an ivy league education to windsurf.

And now apparently, community organizing is something to be laughed at as an elitist ploy to seemlike the common man. FUCK THEM. Obama could have graduated from law school, and taking a very, very high paying lawyer (he had the opportunity to make a shitton of money out of school), but he fuckin didn't do it. He wanted to improve a community of underprivileged people. Wanted to help out commonfolk who were struggling to get by. AND NOW the motherfuckers are making fun of him for it. That's fucked up... Oh yeah, he helped out underprivileged people, what an asshole. That's really way more assholish than lobbying for $27 FUCKING MILLION in fucking PORK BARREL SPENDING money for your town of fucking 7,000 fucking people. That's $3,857.14 for every fucking citizen of that town in pork spending, and now that crazy ass is the running mate of Mr. Anti-pork himself. Mr. cut fucking wasteful spending picked someone who originally supported the bridge to nowhere before she was against.

Wait a minute. She supported it... then was against it. I stand corrected, her and McCain are a match made in fucking senior home heaven.

Fuck them. And fuck the bullshit games they're trying to play on the American people.

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