Monday, September 29, 2008

Gotcha journalism my ass

When Katie Couric asked John McCain & Sarah Palin about her response to a voter's question about Pakistan, they said that it was gotcha journalism. This is indicative of one of the big problems with their campaign- if you point out something that they decide later they don't agree with- say, for example, that your foreign policy statement agrees with your opponent more than your running mate- instead of owning up to their mistakes and saying "Hey I fucked up," they blame it on everyone else. In this case, it's the media's fault. Tomorrow it'll be sexism. The day after that it will be anti-Alaskanism. Then it'll be geriophobia (that's a word I made up meaning a fear of old people). I'm sorry it's such a fucking crisis that they have to be held accountable for shit they said. This is just getting absurd. It was a question from a fucking voter in Philafuckingdelphia at a cheesesteak stand, and they're claiming it's "gotcha journalism"? They need to either put on their fucking big kid shorts and stop whining, or go back to fucking daycare- I bet their cot is still open for naptime even.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, didn't this interview make it look like Palin had to have McCain there to make sure she didnt fuck up? It looked more like a father protecting his daughter running for student council president than 2 national cantidates.
Secondly, the Obama campaign admits-sometimes Biden says dumb shit that is not in line with Obama's stance. They don't suggest that it's "gotcha journalism".
Thirdly, how does a voter (and not a journalist) asking a question fall under the category of gotcha journalism?