Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So Fred Thompson is talking at the RNC. Tried to say Palin is more experienced than Obama. He also said "The other side would make you think we're in a depression and that we've lost the respect of the world." I wished I lived in a bubble that thick. The fucking crowd of the walking dead & people in cowboy hats ate that shit up. He also said we're (among other things) the most prosperous nation in the world. I'm not sure how accurate that satement was. I mean, Belgium and Japan both have higher standards of living.

He also just said Obama's the most inexperienced person to ever run for president. Jesus tapdancing Christ, how do these people convince themselves of this shit?? Can't wait till Lieberman's speech- that'll be a fucking clusterfuck of intuitive intelligence. Now Fred's talking about how the Dems are just going to tax the shit out of you. This line of attack is probably the only thing in politics older than John McCain himself.

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