Friday, September 12, 2008

New Debate Format

This video gave me an idea for a new debate format. It won't be Republican vs Democrat. It will be McCain vs Palin and they will see who can out-bullshit the other one. That would be a spectacle for the ages; by the end of it, I guarandamtee we would find out that Iraq actually invaded us.

This is fucking absurd. This isn't a damn dog race, it's the fate of our fucking country, and according to the polls half of the country wants to fucking support these candidates who can't answer a direct question, and when presented with their own quotes from the past they either deny saying them (McCain), asshole-ishly say something to the effect of "Maybe you know more about my record than me" (McCain again), or just fucking lie about what it was they said (Palin, when she obviously meant something different than she said she did in the interview).

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