Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Bush is Back

This is fucking absurd. Palin wrote a letter to the Alaska legislature saying her sobpeonaed aides in the governor's office won't testify in the Troopergate scandale, ignoring their subpoenas. Why are they doing this? Because she disagrees with the grounds of the investigation, feeling it's unwarranted? No. It's fucking not. In the letter she wrote to the Alaska legislature, Sarah Palin didn't say anyfuckingthing about the accusations being unfounded.

She objects because then the people subpoenaed would be forced to choose there loyalty between her and the Alaska legislature. Sounds kind of familiar- placing loyalty above all else.

Anyways, here's what I think it really is- a bunch of horseshit. If I do remember correctly, and the McCain website banner verifies that I do, the McCain/Palin main campaign theme is "Country First." How the fuck are we suppose to believe she'll put country of 305 million people first if she can't even put her state of 680 thousand first? That's a bunch of bullshit.

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