Friday, September 12, 2008

My blood pressure just shot up 20 points today

During her interview with Charlie Gibson, Sarah Palin didn't know what the fuck the Bush Doctrine is. She's a candidate for Vice Fucking President; she would be the heir apparent to be leader of the free world. And she doesn't fucking even know what the Bush Doctrine IS? She not only didn't know the details, she didn't even know that it fucking exists!
Here's the video:

I know what you're thinking after seeing something that dumb from a strong contender to be the person who would be the heir to the leadership of the free fucking world. I know what you're thinking, and I ask you, please put down the fucking razor; you've got a lot to live for, even if millions of people in our country are smitten with this dipshit.
Anyways, as I was saying, what the fuck? I mean, I know she went to 5 fucking colleges in 6 damn years, but how fucking stupid can you be? If I met someone on the street who didn't know what the Bush Doctrine was, it wouldn't be stupid and I wouldn't think any less of them. But
they're not running for national fucking office!

What would happen to our country if she ended up at the fucking helm? I've got video to show you:

That's right, it would be a fucking 90 miles per hour trainwreck. But the interview goes on, and in fine Tucker Bounds (asshole) fashion, she says a shitton of stuff, but nothing anywhere near answering the question. Kind of remniscient of something I've seen in a movie before...

She was asked what is at its most essential form a fucking yes or no question, and she showed she can tapdance around the simplest questions with the best of them. It's rifuckingdiculous. On top of that, I don't know if I've ever fucking heard someone sound so condescending when they didn't have any fucking idea what the hell they're talking about. "Well, Charlie... you see, Charlie... we must, Charlie." How the hell can you be that condescending on something you're copmletely fucking clueless about? She annoys the hell out of me.

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